Hi I am Savi Yanaginouchi, a Japanese language teacher in Pune. I help people learn Japanese and practice it with the help of my website.
Today I would like to share my experience with CMS Budo (A website builder and Content Managment System) and the company behind it ShimBi Labs.
At ShimBi Labs, they believe that it is not enough to only build a product that is functional, but the product must be very easy to use and simple to adopt by anyone. They also believe that they need to build a product that can bring joy and excitement, pleasure and fun and yes beauty to people’s lives.
This thought process attracted me to use their product CMS Budo to create my dream website.
I never thought that I can ever create my website without any technical knowledge. But it happened, I could create beautiful & unique website without touching a single line of code. They made me feel so special by giving wonderful services & support when I required it most.
For sure I can say that ShimBi Labs knows their customer so well that we don’t have to ask many things, most of the things are already there in CMS Budo. CMS Budo is very user-friendly & powerful application to create a website.
Easy to use, and intuitive features of CMS Budo helps me to keep my website updated. I have no words to express my gratitude towards a team of behind CMS Budo.
Today I am proud of my website www.nihonboli.com
It inspires me every day to write something new, help people learn Japanese and bring change and excitements in their lives.