With people developing an innocuous hatred for 9 to 5 jobs, the number of freelancers in the world has gradually increased. Today people prefer a happy job to a high paying job. Freelance writing is one of the most sought after jobs on the Internet today. People from remotest corners of the world are grabbing high paying writing and copywriting jobs and leading a satisfactory life.
Working as a freelance writer is one of the best career options available in the contemporary world but at the same time it is extremely important to develop a regular flow of income. Converting your one-man show—writing business—into a Brand is one way through which you can ensure regular income.
Starting a website can re-define your life as a freelance writer, here we take a deep dig into the details and help you decide why to have a website for your freelancing business.
Top 8 Benefits Of Having A Website For Freelance Writers
1. Brand Your Service- Differentiate
There’s a difference between working as a writer and processing jobs as a Brand. Being a brand, you can always differentiate from regular charges and quotes better rates. You can always go ahead and be the face of your business. Working as a freelance writer is all about establishing your face as the change. Go ahead and make the best use of this opportunity and provide yourself with the best of business.
2. Your Website Is Ready Sample
How many times have your new clients have asked for free samples? Ten times a week? Writing a free sample is one of the most time-consuming but necessary part of freelance writing business; there is no certainty about you landing the job and the fact that the employer is in talk with more than one writer or blogger at the same time is no less than heartbreaking. Publish high-quality posts on your website, optimize them for Search Engines and share the link every time a customer asks for a sample. This way you will be able to save a lot of time and also safeguard yourself from pseudo buyers.
3. Stop Working For Pennies- Get the Money You Deserve
Your business website provides you an opportunity to develop a reputation, rank higher in search engines. Frequently updated website with customer testimonials will help you establish your reputation. Customers are always ready to pay higher for quality.
4. Think Big, Build a Business
As a freelance writer, you must have worked with clients, who are in a hurry and are looking forward to getting more work done from you. With you developing a website and giving your work a brand name, you are preparing yourself for scaling. Now you can go ahead and hire assistants. Hire newbie writers, help them establish their career as a freelance writer, make them learn the best of freelance writing world and see your business grow at the same time. Start taking work in bulk and always get them completed on time.
5. Build The Trust For Your Business
With a website on the Internet clients know your address, and they can reach out to you anytime. This not only removes the communication gap but also ensures trust among you and your client.
6. Let The Customer Come To You
Gone are the days when you used to spend hours on Elance and UpWork looking for high paying jobs. With a website, you can always publish high-quality content, optimize them according to search engines and have good traffic. With the increasing traffic, you will be able to generate leads and have more high paying clients.
7. Secure Your Social Media Following
As a writer, you must have been sharing stories and notes on social media sites like Facebook and Google+. These short stories and notes must have helped you acquire attention and appreciation. Your author page must have got lots of likes; now it's time to turn that appreciation into leads. A business website can help you redirect your fans to learn more about you on your website and create an opportunity for you get business or referrals.
8. Your Source Of Continuous Improvement
When you are working for clients there’s very less amount of improvement; a lot of clients are going to leave it up to you. They are never going to come back to you with suggestions and advice; they are living in the awe of your talent—which is good for your business. When you have got a blog, and you are communicating directly with your readers, and then you will always find feedbacks coming down to you in the form of emails and comments. Your blog is going to help you learn from your mistakes. Life is going to get better when you are communicating with your readers and improving on a daily basis.
Now that you are well aware of the benefits of having a website, it is time for you to go out and start a website/blog today. Starting a website is easier and very much affordable, an investment of $1.4 per month is all you need to make, and you can turn your work into a business and live happily ever after.
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