Want to attract the best talent? Here's how to go about it.

Posted on 08 Sep 2020 16:04 in Web & App Design
by Zainab Sohangpurwala

Attracting the best talent in the job market is very difficult. But the best-designed career page can help you do it. A career page is the first and lasting impression job seekers have of your company. Want to know how to improve it? Read this article.

How robust is your organization foundation?

Posted on 30 May 2018 15:05 in Shimbi Insights
by Siddharth Deshmukh

Just imagine if you created a company on a foundation made of sand. You just hired people to fill available openings and instead taking time to find out if they were right for the position, or for the company.

How individuals grow at Shimbi Labs, without becoming manager (because we don't have managers)

Posted on 13 Oct 2017 14:31 in Shimbi Insights
by Siddharth Deshmukh

We think people who can work without the title “Manager” are real heroes. They don’t need a title to do a great job, they carry out their work and beyond because they love what they do.

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